Why does the Twilight movie show such unreal, overly ideal and romanticized love?

 Veronika Chernikova
Why does the Twilight movie show such unreal, overly ideal and romanticized love?
Did no one think how many girls this film can break their future destinies? Instead of striving to be bright and beautiful, they will see a plus in their modesty and harshness, demand something super-dimensional from their chosen one, thereby suppressing both him and their personality ... Has no one thought of this?!


fairy tale love

Because it's just a movie, not real life.

Irina Shevtsova
This thought came to my mind

Larisa Tseveleva
Well, there must be, at least in films, ideal love, what to watch then, just gray everyday life. The film is interesting, very unusual, exciting.

Alexandra Kolomeytseva
Some fans even dream of becoming vampires.

Dasha Rassadina
How can a movie compare to real life?

A. Potter
several girls I know get depressed after watching this Twilight. want the same snotty love.

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