I'm 18, and I'm watching "The Abode of Anubis", is this not a manifestation of infantilism?

 Marianne Dashwood
I'm 18, and I'm watching "The Abode of Anubis", is this not a manifestation of infantilism?
The movie "Twilight", "The Vampire Diaries", "Gossip Girl", etc. infuriates me, such films and series annoy me. O. A is the only - children's and teen series that I watch


Sergey Pasinoga
look overgrown 2008-2010

Kirim Glazer
of course there are violations and perhaps later it will manifest itself more seriously, well, if you don’t believe it, you can find your diagnosis in a textbook on psychiatry

RUS: testsoch.info/93920493-mne-18-ya-smotryu-obit.html