If a woman at 55 is obsessed with the Twilight movie, loves Harry Potter and such bullshit, is she right in the head?

If a woman at 55 is obsessed with the Twilight movie, loves Harry Potter and such bullshit, is she right in the head?
Yes, and he also looks at these types of revealing programs on Ren TV, and BELIEVE every word, and then quotes


Arseny Kazantsev
Yes, it is normal

I'm 35 and I watch spongebob. I had a psychiatrist, passed a medical examination, everything was normal with my head.

Alexandra Maklyak
Quite all the rules.)))

I'm 58, I love fantasy. And what?

Griha Kombat
BeaverDobr - stop watching spongebob - for the time being, it's all bad jokes with psychiatry. I love Futurama and the Simpsons

Presence humane
advise her to sit on the "answers" - dope should decrease ... but another might add

d and
for the west will do

Liberty Bell 7
you disturb me even more, patient. get off the woman, let her have fun.

Natashka Romashka
This is a femme fatale and everything is in order with her taste)).

RUS: testsoch.info/95320611-esli-jenshchin-v-55-le.html