How do you feel about the movie "Twilight"?

 Anastasia Krivoruchko
How do you feel about the movie "Twilight"?


bad this movie is about love 0 feelings more annoying

the first part was not bad, but the second one was terrible snot, I didn’t like it, the plot is also weak, in short I expected more ....

Muhammad Ali

Valentina Cheprasova
All these stories about vampires, in my opinion, are senseless nonsense.

love the whole saga. there is love, the pieces of wood will not understand the film

Yana Janka
bad, very bad

Artur Kharitonov
I'd rather see Santa Barbara 5 times than this horror.

The first part is very good, the rest are so-so

mystery Girl
I love this movie! Just do trudge from the vampire theme!!!! And I don't care who doesn't like DUSK.. let's go.. naaa!!! !

Amaliya ******
Worst vampire movie ever

Elena Ivashchenko
tired ... honestly ... too much noise around

What can I say. Books are much better! Of the films, the third is the most normal.

Cruel Intentions
Pornography The first frame - close-up of a deer's ass. Immediately alarming o__O Someone runs, pulls the camera and sausages, this someone hugs, jumps on a deer, finish. Mdya, I wanted to do it in order, but, apparently, I had to take notes right in the hall, because two-thirds of this atstoy had already been safely erased from my memory. So excuse me how it goes. Eddie's designer clothes, here they are: - A gray coat with a tassel - A blue Chinese down jacket - A blue shirt with a wrinkled collar, obviously a week old - a ball suit This is his entire wardrobe. I'm surprised that the famous T-shirt with the Stolichnaya Votka Advertisement didn't get into the frame, but you can't get everything at once. Gagging Zucchini - well, a lot has already been written about his wonderful acting game, there’s even nothing to say here. He diligently rolled out his eyes and even covered his mouth with his palm, he felt so bad at the sight of Stuart, and under the desk, apparently, there was a basin prepared in advance. Stuart - why did she keep her mouth shut the whole movie? Interfering with front teeth? There was a touch of mild retardation. Squirrel and Eddie's explanation in the forest - uh, was it necessary to jump up a tree at the same time? To prove that people are descended from monkeys, and vampires are a transitional link in the chain? Although if you remember, Zucchini and in GP4 from the tree sigal - probably, this is his signature acting feature. True, in GP4, whoever didn’t jump on the trees - even Drak managed to get it. Peter Parker, with his lousy web thrower, nervously smokes on the sidelines - Robert Kabachkov climbs American baobabs without even touching the trunk - fuck it. Make-up artist - yes, fired without severance pay. On the physiognomy of Zucchini, the border is clearly visible, where the tooth powder ends, which was sprinkled on his cheeks scraped with a blunt razor. A neck of a yellowish pleasantly tanned hue + powdery-white muzzle of the face + bright red lips + bulging eyes watering from the lenses. Ball. And they are all so handsome. Eddie's Ceremonial Exit to the Sun - bugaga))))) I specially took my glasses with me (although I live well without them) in order to consider everything in detail, but uh ... what was it? O__O At first I thought that Zucchini's undercoat stood on end. Then - that the boy was sweating a lot. By the way, did you notice that the GRAY-COAT-WITH-THAT SHINE ALSO? And the weird vampiric way of naming favorite primate species? That Edya Belke is “you are my monkey”, that Rosalie to Emmet is affectionately “my orangutan”. Esme's Carlisle is apparently "my passionate male chimpanzee," and Aliska's shabby Jasper is "my dear rhesus monkey."

This is one of the worst films I have ever seen. A mediocre, tasteless and tedious picture, or rather its pathetic likeness. Although they say the book is nothing, but there is no desire to read it after viewing it.

Soldier of Fortune
dumb movie

Semakhina E.A.
a very good movie!

for some, "War and Peace" is shit, and "Titanic" is the pinnacle of modern art, so the taste and color ....



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