Do you agree that the ending of the film The Darkness is a gesture? (

 Anton Gerashchenko
Do you agree that the ending of the film The Darkness is a gesture? (


there is no better

yes normal ending

It's just tin ... I cursed the director at the end

Daniil Meshcheryakov
good ending.

cat Baiyun
The book is even tougher.

Sofia Konyukhova
hurry up, make people laugh

Guzel Latypova
If I remember correctly, the main character shot his son and 2 more, there wasn’t enough bullet for himself, and then, when he got out of the car, he saw that the rescuers had come? If it is, then yes, capeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I was hysterical.

I completely agree! Tin!!! He shot his loved ones ahead of time, did not wait. There is hope left in the book (King)...


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