I am 14 years old tell me a movie about love NOT A SERIES !!

 Angelina Perehodenko
I am 14 years old tell me a movie about love NOT A SERIES !!
Suggest a movie about love. I want to watch a movie about love, preferably 16 17 years old so that they are. And preferably not old from 2001 and beyond. And if there is a musical film like (classy musical or camp rock musical vacation) it will be generally excellent and with a happy end)) I will list what films I watched star disease, another Cinderella story, die john tucker, fans don’t stay for breakfast, rebel radio DJ, hurry to love, LoL, Whale, good kids don't cry, cinderella (everything is there), princess protection program, prince charming, monte carlo, mean girls, hottie, prom, shar pei's incredible adventure, aquamarine, twilight (all), sydney white, boy in girl, ramona and bizus, superstar, hannah montana in movies, angus thong and deep kiss, 13 reasons why


Tanya Petrova
"For the first time", "Hurry to love";)

Andrey Alexandrov
Look on the site Notfilm.ru

User deleted
if you need muzlo then "you never dreamed of" but it's old https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-p7v5VohyE and so "romeo + juliet" is a modern version of Shakespeare. laziness plays there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHLT9y75vjI

Sergey Shelepov
It's too early for you to fall in love...

RUS: testsoch.info/185130155-mne-14-let-podskjite-f.html

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