Suggest a series of books please

 Dmitry Aristarkhov
Suggest a series of books please
I'm looking for something multi-volume about the development of characters. Not just one book, but a series of books with a related plot. I read Methodius Buslaev, the books are connected, but not very well. Good examples of what I'm looking for would be: Harry Potter, Twilight. The Hunger Games is a coherent story, inseparable, but 900 pages is not enough. Maybe a witcher? That is, I'm looking for a type of series, but in a book) I read mostly science fiction. What can you suggest?) I read about Alice, interesting, but almost unrelated, except that Guy Do appeared in some books.


Wizard of Earthsea

The best time of the year
Yes, Ursula Le Guin, The Wizard of Earthsea pentalogy and her West Coast Legends trilogy Robert Silverberg Lord Valentine's Castle Harry Harrison Deathworld

Divine wind
One of the most famous (and unfairly forgotten) books by R. Gorvard about Conan the Barbarian. there are seven short stories about him by R. Jordan By the way, the same Jordan has a multi-volume epic about the Wheel of Time ("New Spring", "Eye of the World" and the list goes on ...) And finally: Kyokutei Bakin "Satomi and Eight Dogs" ( if you master the novel in 106 volumes)

Hello Dmitry! I can recommend the following series: • Miss Peregrine by Ransom Riggs: • Divergent by Veronica Roth: knig/divergent/ • Percy Jackson and the Olympian Gods by Rick Riordan: • Bartimaeus Trilogy » Jonathan Stroud: • Inkheart by Cornelia Funke: • « The Witcher's Apprentice by Joseph Delaney: • The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Lewis: • Chasodei by Natalia Shcherba:

Dm. Yemets series "Tanya Grotter" - great humor, and there is something to think about.