I wonder if I'm the only girl who hates the Twilight movie?

 Radio Demon
I wonder if I'm the only girl who hates the Twilight movie?


sasha e
and I'm the only man who cries at the sight of this LUPOGLAZOV ..

Scrooge McDuck
You see more mature whiny.

Happiness in the arms
No. Only survived the first part. this pale, unkempt Bella infuriated him more. The only thing worth watching there at the end is a song from Radiohead,

Xenia Andreevna
And I'm the only girl who put with the device on this film? Well, there is, yes, I don’t like this film, but hatred is a very strong feeling, akin to love, but I don’t want to experience such strong feelings for a piece of go.

RUS: testsoch.info/206264802-interesno-ya-edinstven.html

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