What is Steamberger Syndrome? They talk about him in the movie "Breathe in the Darkness", but Google does not give anything.

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 Serafima Kutsebko
What is Steamberger Syndrome? They talk about him in the movie "Breathe in the Darkness", but Google does not give anything.


Anton Kim
So fiction or not correctly write.

Maybe Steinberger? This is a doctor of psychology from the USA. Look.

Very similar to TCID

f i
I was wondering the same thing and just looked it up. In fact, all diseases are bad. With osteochondrosis, for example, you can walk, communicate, but one inaccurate movement and pain. It turns out that the body is like a cell with spikes ... Indeed, Steemberger's syndrome is SCID. Severe combined immunodeficiency or bladder boy syndrome.

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is a kidney disease associated with the deposition in the kidneys of an antibody called immunoglobulin type A (IgA). This impairs the ability of the kidneys to excrete fluid and filter out toxic substances. Over time, Berger's disease can lead to blood and protein in the urine, high blood pressure, and swelling.

Nikolai Nekrasov
this is the director's invention nothing more

Medina Maratovna
No, it's locked-in syndrome. People with this disease cannot perceive what is normal for us. It is manifested by a complete loss of speech, paralysis with complete preservation of consciousness and sensitivity. With it, communication with others is possible through blinking and eye movements. The reasons for the development of the syndrome can be infarction of the base of the brain, infarction of the base of the midbrain, cerebral hemorrhage, central pontine myelinolysis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, poliomyelitis, myasthenia gravis, paroxysmal myoplegia, some poisons. BUT IT IS VERY RARE, you can even say that this is fiction

Lee Ivanova
"Ondine's curse syndrome" google. Sudden cessation of breathing for no reason whatsoever.

Dilyara Minnubaeva
Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID, also alymphocytosis, Glyantsman-Rinicker syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, and thymic alymphoplasia [1]) is a genetic disease in which, as a result of a defect in one of the genes, the functioning of the components of the adaptive immune system is disrupted. systems of B- and T-lymphocytes. Severe combined immunodeficiency is a severe form of hereditary immunodeficiency, also known as bubble boy syndrome, as patients are extremely vulnerable to infectious diseases and are forced to live in a sterile environment. One such patient was David Vetter. Severe combined immunodeficiency is the result of such severe damage to the immune system that the latter is considered to be practically absent. Symptoms of severe combined immunodeficiency may include chronic diarrhea, ear infections, recurrent pneumocystosis, and profuse oral candidiasis. Without treatment, unless a successful hematopoietic stem cell transplant is performed, children usually die within the first year of life from severe recurrent infections.

slander on Google)), the first line gives the answer: "A genetic disease in which, as a result of a defect in one of the genes, the work of the components of the adaptive immune system of B- and T-lymphocytes is disrupted ..."

Locked-in syndrome (isolation syndrome, deafferentation syndrome) is a syndrome that is characterized by the lack of an adequate patient response to external, including verbal, stimuli due to tetraplegia and paralysis of the bulbar, mimic and masticatory muscles. It is manifested by a complete loss of speech (aphasia), paralysis with complete preservation of consciousness and sensitivity. With it, communication with others is possible through blinking and eye movements. With prolonged retention of the “locked-in person” syndrome, patients can be trained to convey rather complex information with their eyes. The reasons for the development of the syndrome can be infarction of the base of the brain, infarction of the base of the midbrain, cerebral hemorrhage, central pontine myelinolysis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, poliomyelitis, myasthenia gravis, paroxysmal myoplegia, some poisons. It happens that with such a syndrome, medical personnel, having mistakenly diagnosed a coma (loss of consciousness), freely discuss all professional issues in the presence of the patient, including the likelihood of the patient's death, which can cause him severe mental trauma.

Yanchuk Sergiy
I FOUND THAT Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID, also alymphocytosis, Glyantsman-Rinicker syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, and thymic alymphoplasia [1]) is a genetic disease in which, as a result of a defect in one of the genes, the functioning of the components of the adaptive immune system of B- and T-lymphocytes. Severe combined immunodeficiency is a severe form of hereditary immunodeficiency, also known as bubble boy syndrome, as patients are extremely vulnerable to infectious diseases and are forced to live in a sterile environment. One such patient was David Vetter. Severe combined immunodeficiency is the result of such a strong ...

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