What is your favorite soundtrack from the Twilight movie?

What is your favorite soundtrack from the Twilight movie?
my this https://m.youtube.com/watch?list=PL8Dl2kfHl8WrwSV_Zm1vCiCvipKFRYNcC&v=xmnb1vwCV6k&itct=CAwQxjQYBSITCIiEwq-98-ACFY9i4Aod_pUG_zIKcGxwcF92aWRlb1okVkxQTDhEbDJrZkhs OFdyd1NWX1ptMXZDaUN2aXBLRlJZTmND&client=mv-google&hl=ru&gl=RU


Alyosha Furerovich
What is your favorite kick? I plan to send you a shot or an ptur

Mr. Odintsov ♑
Blue Foundation - Eyes On Fire https://youtu.be/LAxCqlU-OAo Haven't seen the movie, but I love trip-hop.

Muse Supermassive) And where Rob howls during Bella's first bite, yes, you have Supermassive too)

RUS: testsoch.info/213529290-kkoy-vsh-lyubimyy-sund.html