What kind of crap - serials are being released now on TV - Teen Wolf on Friday, before it was Twilight?

 Dick K1ant
What kind of crap - serials are being released now on TV - Teen Wolf on Friday, before it was Twilight?
And the theme everywhere is such that it becomes a shame: Love is a super man - and a weak girl. Then the werewolf guy saves and loves the girl. That vampire guy saves and loves the same girl. I'm already throwing up at every ad on TV like this slag. I want to see a series where a girl is half-werewolf, half-vampire (2 in one) - falls in love with an ordinary and simple guy. Who is in danger from her relatives, and who are hunting for him. The girl protects the guy with her superhuman abilities from her relatives and she has to sacrifice and make a choice - either be with the guy and go against relatives or take the side of relatives and destroy her boyfriend. Here is this plot za ** s . I want this series.


Lord shade
What movies do you think teenage girls should watch? Each film will find its audience, believe me... And if you want a movie with the above plot, then watch "Let me in. Saga"

Daria Fomicheva
On torrents I saw the series "Bitten". Maybe it will. :D

Alexey Krivchikov
The most interesting films with vampires and werewolves of a completely different direction and plot! Van Helsing rocks!

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