How do you think? Is the Twilight movie good?

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 Nelya Yurievna
How do you think? Is the Twilight movie good?
And then they made a remark to me at work, what kind of business is this, if I don’t know this, all the youth are watching, And it all started with the fact that they asked me if I plan to go to the cinema for this very twilight


Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin
This movie is for girls 12 to 16 years old.

I don't like the awful rubbish at all. I tried to watch the first one but couldn't take it to the end. rubbish. all in character and interest. who loves what. I'm not a romantic, I don't like snotty female melodramas, even though I think I'm a girl. that this film denigrates the image of vampires in art and cinema. some people like it - it's a matter of taste))

Tpyn Bo3by}l{DёHHoy HeBeCTbl
It seems to me that not very much. It's not young people watching, but stupid youngsters.

*STAR *in* PALM*
What, you don't have internet? Take it, download it! Actually, the movie is great! The story is so beautiful! Well, I do not know.. . but I would also comment.

Katrin Shelkova
I like it)

Laura Petrarkina:)
The trailer was enough for me to understand that I will not watch the film. But the music is class!

ā lie xia
More than watching the first part was not enough for me .... and even then not to the end. The desire to watch the next parts did not arise and will not arise, rare nonsense .... =) I watched the first part when it was already shown on TV, I would never go to the cinema to see such a mui nu for pimply youngsters, throwing money away. For taste and color, as they say, to make comments to a person who has not watched and does not plan this or that film, I consider it stupidity)

movie sucks to be honest... the acting is just awful. but the book is actually a nice thing. especially for those who believe in true love, because for me personally, it was a tribute to watch and read what is fashionable. but for me, vampires and other horror are not so much interesting, but the emotions that are described there are very close, there are a lot of interesting metaphors, and in general an amazing fairy tale. so if you are going to get acquainted with this here, then it is better to read than watch)

I didn’t watch fairy tales for small and big ones ... even I don’t rush from them

I wouldn’t go to the cinema, but at home you won’t see anything from nothing to do

It may be worth a look in the subject. I don't like it. The main character is like ... crushed. For teenagers. IMHO.