Do you like the movie "Twilight"? It's complete bullshit in my opinion...

Do you like the movie "Twilight"? It's complete bullshit in my opinion...


film for rednecks and juvenile degradants

Eva Mamanya
pop music

for an amateur!

Oksana Rudenko
No, the film is not, but the actor Robert is! :))))))))))

Lily Mullakhmetova
I really liked him very much) ) !!!and this is not garbage !! THE MOST GREAT MOVIE))

Ilya Andryushevich
I don’t know why this is a blockbuster, maybe because the book is a best-selling book


The film is for those who do not care about the plot and special effects, but for those who just want to stare at Pattinson. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such people, mostly girls from 12 to 30 years old. I was not impressed with the film, and the actors are not so hot talented

I don't like! I looked at the first part and did not find anything so grandiose and magnificent! I think the plot is even banal!

The story is good, the film is unusual, original, there is something in it. The actors were chosen well, especially Pattinson, he plays the vampire very well.

Yes. I like this film. I love Pattinson too!

Semakhina E.A.
Yes, half of the Hollywood movies are really garbage! ! but twilight is a good movie, I like Pts)) a film for an amateur! The actors are well chosen! the plot is interesting! ) and who does not like it, he is simply jealous of their popularity!

Svetlana Sviderskaya
Speaking specifically about the film * Twilight *, then complete nonsense in my opinion + terrible actors (Edward could have been made prettier, otherwise this one is so nasty)) but I liked the books.

Leo Di*Caprio

Amalia Yaraya
some kind of, but for today's youth, an introduction to art (cinema, and everyone reads books). I personally do not care, but that it is kind of useful, yes.


⥥ ⥥ ⥥

Recommend a film like "Twilight", that is, about mysticism and about love
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What kind of series was on STS for a long time, there were sketches among everything, and teenage vampires. Parodied Twilight.
Tell me the movie please!
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tell me the song, the soundtrack of the movie twilight ah ef dai, evry day, veeeeeeyring fo yu, dorling down, bi yu frey, and yu vant yu
Which do you like more Twilight or The Vampire Diaries?
Who is better Damon from The Vampire Diaries or Edward from Twilight?
Where can I download the movie Twilight. Saga. Eclipse. ?
Please! Throw off the link full movie twilight sunset of eternity... . Please!!! Twilight is the sunset of eternity!
where can i buy the twilight dvd? i want the first movie
What song is played in the Twilight movie, at the moment when Bella and Edward are on the tree, he then plays the piano????
all soundtracks for the film "The Twilight Saga. New Moon" "The Twilight Saga. New Moon" and "The Twilight Saga. Eclipse"