Suggest a series similar to "Twilight"

 Ari Seliverstova
Suggest a series similar to "Twilight"


Alisa Afanasyeva
The series "My boyfriend is a vampire" / "There is still time for love" (China, 2015). Mystery, romance, comedy, drama. The vampire saved the young hero from death and turned him into a vampire. They became friends and travel together for 300 years, and during all this time the hero never fell in love with anyone and in general he was not interested in women, because he always lived in wealth and all the women he met were greedy and stupid beauties . Nowadays, the hero and his vampire friend have agreed that if the hero does not fall in love with anyone within a month, then the friend will kill him, or rather, freeze him in a cryogenic chamber. As soon as they signed an agreement, the hero went to study at the university and met a disinterested girl who helps everyone and is not obsessed with money, and he fell in love with her at first sight. The hero and his friend are good vampires who, for the sake of revenge, hunt an evil vampire who hides in a big city and attacks people like a wild beast.

Olivia Frazier
Google and Yandex search engines have a list of similar series.


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