Films where people, in order to save themselves, begin to believe and choose such "terrible" ones as Carmody as their leaders, from the film

 igor karpeev
Films where people, in order to save themselves, begin to believe and choose such "terrible" ones as Carmody as their leaders, from the film Mist
Question mark ? Woman with a bottle in the photo


Mr White
Shit movie, and the book is so-so

I would say they choose the first ones who come across who have a good tongue.

mechanical zombie godzilla from outer space
Lord of the Flies

Magnus Kord
in the cartoon king of the hill season 8 episode 15 - so Bill was chosen as the leader of the shelter, but he is not terrible, but rather stupid.

Ice under the major's feet
Adequate person calmed her down.

Black metalist reluctantly
Fantastic film Separator. Give a link to online viewing?