Who went to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, what are your impressions of the movie? We share. Did you like the movie or not?

Who went to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, what are your impressions of the movie? We share. Did you like the movie or not?


I described myself happily

Archibalt Shpritsendrosel
I didn't go and I didn't like the movie. In general - slag!

I like it.

liked the movie! only long and somehow not much delayed ... but it's worth a look...

I just watched the first two episodes today and really enjoyed it. now I need to look at the third one)))

Vyacheslav Ivanov
Have you solved the problem of virginity? If not, then don't look...

48 3
well, guys, learn how to use a search engine and you will see that such a question is asked 100 times a day!

Nigora Umarkhanova
I liked it, I advise you to watch it too. There such nature and actors. Take a look, you won't

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