Did you like the movie The Twilight Saga Eclipse

 Evgeny Butorin
Did you like the movie The Twilight Saga Eclipse


for girls, shkolota and latent homosexuals

didn’t watch the campaign shit babskoe

I don't know about others, but yes to me! I advise you to look

~Lady Hollow~
No no and no ... The book is better)

I liked only the funny moments))) and so the saga itself is finally class

Not good. The first part is the best. Bye..

anna atamanyuk
I don't like this movie!

Olesya :)
I haven't seen it but I want to see it

Books are much better! There are many interesting scenes cut from the film. In general, not bad, but in Bella's place, fuck Edward, long live Jacob :))

I_R_I_S_H_K_A @)~
In my opinion, the Eclipse was boring, the previous parts are much more interesting!

nare budagyan

Maria Zyryanova
I watched this movie to laugh... neighing))

RUS: testsoch.info/43440612-vm-ponrvilsya-film-sum.html

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