what are the parts of the twilight movie called? (in order)

 Catherine K.
what are the parts of the twilight movie called? (in order)


dusk new moon eclipse dawn

Nastya Ivanova
Twilight New Moon Eclipse Dawn

*** Tatyana Yuryevna ***
Dusk, New Moon, Eclipse, Dawn, Midnight Sun

Almost Lomonosov
"Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Dawn", "Midnight Sun"

Only 4 parts (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Dawn). Books by Stephenie Meyer 5 (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Dawn, Midnight Sun (according to the plot of Twilight, but conducted from Edward's point of view.)) And the film Breaking Dawn (this is the last part of the film) seems to be divided into several parts !!

1. Twilight (2008) 2. Twilight. Saga. New Moon (2009) 3. Twilight. Saga. Eclipse (2010) 4. Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 1 (2011) 5. Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 2 (2012)

Julia Britt
Twilight New Moon Eclipse Dawn Midnight Sun Bree Tanner's Brief Second Life

Anastasia Vdovina
"Twilight", "New Moon", "Eclipse", "Dawn", "Midnight Sun"

Twilight Twilight. Saga. New Moon Twilight. Saga. Eclipse Twilight. Saga. Dawn-1 hour Dusk. Saga. Dawn-2 h

1Twilight 2008 2 Twilight. Saga. New Moon 2009 3 Twilight. Saga. Eclipse 2010 4 Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part one 2011 (on screens from November 17) 5 Twilight. Saga. Dawn. Part two 2012

Anita Matveeva
Twilight Twilight. Saga. New Moon Twilight. Saga. Eclipse Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 1 Twilight. Saga. Dawn: Part 2

Alena Astashkina
1.Twilight/Twilight 2.New Moon/New Moon 3.Eclipse/Eclipse 4.Braking Down/Dawn 5.Braking Down part 2/Dawn part two.

Sonya Dmitrieva
12The Twilight Saga: Twilight 13The Twilight Saga: New Moon 14The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 1) 15The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn (Part 2)

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