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Please tell me movies or TV shows that are similar to the vampire diaries, well, or twilight.
What is the soundtrack for the film "The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2??? who watched tell me plz
How do you feel about the movie "Twilight"?
help me remember: what was the name of the red-haired vampire from the movie twilight part 1.
please tell me mystical series or something about vampires, maybe even about witches ...? *_*
Realistic books / fanfiction / manga, where an obviously fantasy character / alien came to study at a regular school / university
question about the heroes of sensational films about vampires...
Please tell me the sequence of the movie "Twilight". One by one... which one has "parts"... Thank you)
Girls here explain why so?
Who went to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, what are your impressions of the movie? We share. Did you like the movie or not?
Help find a mystery series
a film about the fight of guys for a girl (you can series) well, just not twilight ok
Suggest a movie similar to twilight
The film "Twilight" pisses me off terribly, do I need to tell everyone about this or will everyone understand that I'm an insensitive brute?))
What is the song playing at the end of the Twilight movie. Dawn part 2, when Bella and Edward are sitting on the field with blue flowers
Please tell me when the Twilight 3 movie comes out. Eclipse. Oooooooo liked it.
What is the soundtrack for the film "The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2??? who watched tell me plz
How do you feel about the movie "Twilight"?
help me remember: what was the name of the red-haired vampire from the movie twilight part 1.
please tell me mystical series or something about vampires, maybe even about witches ...? *_*
Realistic books / fanfiction / manga, where an obviously fantasy character / alien came to study at a regular school / university
question about the heroes of sensational films about vampires...
Please tell me the sequence of the movie "Twilight". One by one... which one has "parts"... Thank you)
Girls here explain why so?
Who went to see The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, what are your impressions of the movie? We share. Did you like the movie or not?
Help find a mystery series
a film about the fight of guys for a girl (you can series) well, just not twilight ok
Suggest a movie similar to twilight
The film "Twilight" pisses me off terribly, do I need to tell everyone about this or will everyone understand that I'm an insensitive brute?))
What is the song playing at the end of the Twilight movie. Dawn part 2, when Bella and Edward are sitting on the field with blue flowers
Please tell me when the Twilight 3 movie comes out. Eclipse. Oooooooo liked it.