Did you believe in vampires after watching the movie "Twilight"?

Did you believe in vampires after watching the movie "Twilight"?


I’m already an adult and I don’t believe in fairy tales for a long time, and I haven’t watched horror movies for a long time. :)

Igor Tsvetkov
You can’t believe in Vampires, otherwise they will settle into your life once and for all

This film is not the best about vampires, although not bad..

Kastus Kalinovsky
I believed in them until this not very interesting film

I watched a lot of movies about vampires before dusk, this is not the only movie about them

Maxim Tverdikov
Vampires? Who is this?

Elena Zimnyaya
I knew they existed even before this movie. He did not discover anything new for me.

after the handsome Salvatores from the Vampire Diary)

Alyssa Grant
None of what they write, tell can not be invented by man. I believe, because since there is a lot of talk about vampires, they were, are or will be. And the movie is creepy as hell. Vampires were too idealized. The truth is more like the Diaries and the Vampire Assistant. Yes, Ol - Salvatore are beautiful, especially Day. Stef not so much))

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