How do you like the film Twilight 4 Breaking Dawn 1h? =)))))) How does this part end?

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How do you like the film Twilight 4 Breaking Dawn 1h? =)))))) How does this part end?


Something not really ... however, this part is better filmed than the previous ones. And it ends with Bella giving birth, dying, resurrecting from vampire poison, after Edward bit her everywhere!))) The last shots of her opening the bright red eyes of a newborn vampire.

Zhenya Atapina
I agree with the first answer, in places it is funny, interesting, but in general not very much.

Larisa Vitnova
I don't know but I love it! ended with the fact that Bella still gave birth to a daughter (called renesmee), died, sort of, but then still resurrected after Edward bit her. Jacob, by the way, fought off his werewolves, and protected the Kallen house from them. bella finally became a vampire) and I'm very interested in what ability she will have (I haven't read the book), they promised some special

Liked it, but not much. The first half of the film is great, the second half not so much. Bella ended up opening her red eyes. I will wait for the second part.

Than-than. Avatar! They brazenly ripped off how Bella opens her eyes, and the iris is red. Reborn as she wanted. Oddly enough, I liked the movie, I would still like to remove this debility actress in the role of Bella.

*Autumn flower*
as a fan of "Twilight" I expected more .. damn, such garbage was filmed, and the truth is, Bella's open mouth got out-in every 5 minutes of the film! the first half upset me terribly, at least the ending pleased me with something - one frame - Bella opens her red eyes, but she herself is so beautiful!)

Olivia Frazier
1 Part of the dawn ended with the fact that, after giving birth, Bella removed, turned into a vampire and woke up.