Why do all the girls like the movie "Twilight" so much?

 Liana Volkova
Why do all the girls like the movie "Twilight" so much?


Tatyana Savelyeva
I liked the book. mystery attracts

wester5 wester5
Because there the love triangle consists of a girl and two stoned mutants - they say, romantically.

shy cat
First of all, not everyone. And secondly because of the romance. He fell in love with someone, she is afraid of something, in a word, melodrama.

not to everyone. And never generalize.

Evgeniya Mordvintseva
Then I'm not a girl. I watched a movie and a half, and somehow I don’t feel like watching it.

And why. everyone. boys. like. Sasha. Gray?

Manul Manulych
I don't like

firstly, everything mysterious and unusual (vampires, werewolves) is attractive! secondly, all girls are terribly romantic ... . and so on .... and so on ... . and in Twilight the battle is for the girl's heart... . A vampire and a werewolf fight... I have seen the movie, it's interesting... for an amateur... but somehow not particularly impressed.

Victoria Ruslanovna
Fools because...

Oh well, not everyone. Most people don't like it, by the way. I can't say anything - I haven't watched it and don't intend to.

Sandra Galitskaya
I think The Vampire Diaries is 100 times better.

Because it's like Homer

Irina Shiryazdanova
Very sensual.

olya yes
Film about love. Every girl dreams of such love and such a guy. She wants to get into this fairy tale herself. This film even teaches you to love and appreciate what you have despite all the difficulties.

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