The Vampire Diaries, how do you like the series?

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The Vampire Diaries, how do you like the series?
You know, I'm kind of confused, I'm a little disgusted with the series, but I'm already watching the 4th season. You have never had anything like this, but I always watch TV shows like this, and all the time I think, well, why did they do it this way, why not? For example, Elena is a bore (no offense to her fans) who goes around forever in things like a second hand, with the same hairstyle and never changes, except that she winds her curls for dancing (does this Lena with her poker face remind Bella of anything? Stefan , always dissatisfied, gloomy (doesn't the hairstyle look like Edward's character, etc.?)))) The only thing that pleases is Damon, maybe for him I partly watch the series. And the love triangle is terribly straining. In general, maybe I'm paranoid, but this series was filmed at the same time as twilight, and the plot is almost the same. The Vampire Diaries is a mixture of twilight, and "All the Women of the Witch" each episode comes with a new hunter or vampire. Elena is inconspicuous, always some kind of twitchy, crybaby, but everyone needs her, and how much did the Salvatore brothers actually fall in love with her. Okay, Stefan, but at least after 3 seasons of such a gesture, Damon would have been released, doesn’t he really deserve a better girl than Elena? I like Caroline more. And by the way, a lot of magic, Bonnie as a character was spoiled, in the first series she was better. These are such double feelings, And what is your opinion about the series?


Angelina Romanova
I'm watching it, tomorrow a new episode will be released, the norms of the series!

Lisbeth Davis
complete nonsense. how is this filmed

Xenia Andreevna
I'm watching the series from nefig do. Interesting plot, good actors, beautiful and talented. And over all this garbage over which you mess up, I deeply do not care. Even if Elena is with Niklaus, I somehow feel purple. The only kind of DV couple I'm against is Caroline and Klaus. Care is the most decent female character, I hope she will not be forced to suffer like this. I personally look only for the sake of interest, how all this nonsense will end.

Well, how can I tell you .. For me, the first 3-4 seasons were the best, and then the dregs are such that you don’t understand what’s what. The series is not bad, once I liked it very much, now I watch it for show. I wonder how it ends)


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