who watched the movie "The Twilight Saga. Eclipse" how do you like it? what is it about?

who watched the movie "The Twilight Saga. Eclipse" how do you like it? what is it about?


User deleted
The film sucks. It takes a very long time and is boring to the point of horror ... DESPITE. It's about love in the main, there are only two fights. And she will cheat on Edward. Kiss shorter with this friend of his wolf. IN GENERAL I WISHED THAT I WATCHED THIS FILM .... THE FIRST IS THE BEST)))))))))))))))))))))))

scam oaksharts
well, it’s a romantic youth horror, apparently promoted, if you don’t take into account the lack of a good sound track and the mediocre acting of the actors, they’re just very young there, they’ll go for beer)

The film is normal, I won’t say that Seattle’s masterpiece is engulfed in a series of mysterious murders, and the vampire, overwhelmed with a thirst for revenge, continues to search for Bella, who again finds herself in mortal danger. In addition, at the epicenter of all events, Bella is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision could serve as an impetus for the renewal of a long-standing confrontation between vampires and werewolves. Among other things, she has to make another important decision: life or death, because the end of high school is just around the corner.

The film is about nothing. With cheap actors who really don’t know how to play, with a delusional plot sucked out of your finger, in general, you shouldn’t watch it in any case.

I watched.... Went to see Lautner (Jacob) even though I'm not a fan, God forbid from this twilight.... To see once... . Have you watched the first two? If not, then it makes no sense to write what it is about ... Here is a description from the movie search: Seattle is engulfed in a series of mysterious murders, and the vampire, overwhelmed by a thirst for revenge, continues to search for Bella, who is again in mortal danger. In addition, at the epicenter of all events, Bella is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision could serve as an impetus for the renewal of a long-standing confrontation between vampires and werewolves. Among other things, she has to make another important decision: life or death, because the end of high school is just around the corner.

SweeT Apple
good movie, i like it

Daria Leontieva
the film is not bad, especially if you watched the first 2))) it is not as romantic as the first one, and not as action-packed as the second one.... you can watch it! but the book is better))) and what struck me is that almost everything is according to the book, not like in the second part)))) And you can laugh and cry)))) in general I liked it))))

Kostya chuiko
I liked the movie because I'm a fan of twilight :)

not a fan of these films. But!!!! Loved all 3 episodes. Normal movie.

RUS: testsoch.info/43109843-kto-smotrel-film-sumer.html