Twilight. Based on motives .. love has passed

 Nikulya Angel
Twilight. Based on motives .. love has passed
Yesterday I went to see "The Twilight. Saga. Eclipse." To put it mildly, the film did not impress me. The first two films, although they are not similar, were shot perfectly and were breathtaking when viewed! Actors, scenery, music ... everything was just perfectly matched ... but the third ... is something .. horror. It seems that the actors themselves did not like what they were doing and saying. Writers and directors! Were you drunk? Why such a frivolous attitude to work? Didn’t you watch the first two parts? You have vampires beating like glass! Where did you see this? Why was this actress invited to the role of Victoria? She has the face of an angel , but not a vampire! If you are already filming "based on motives", then it was worth embellishing the film, and not making it worse. .In general, the film was shot at a weaning ... and it already looked like just some kind of series ... Whoever watched this, write your review. If you do not agree with me, sorry for such rude criticism, but this is my personal opinion ..


Christina Kosobutskaya
In my opinion, the movie is pretty good! ! Although how many people, so many opinions!

yes, you need criticism) current, believe me, they will remove both the fourth and fifth)))))) and they will not be bad at all .. well, people are a bit tired