Tell me, please, films and series with pleasant and light humor, with mysticism and family. Similar to ...

 Archil Battory
Tell me, please, films and series with pleasant and light humor, with mysticism and family. Similar to ...
Similar to: 1. Radio Day. 2. Election day 3. What men are talking about 4. While the ferns are blooming (I want something more like this series) 5. Grimm 6. Once Upon a Time 7. Hunter Not to advise (watched) 1. Supernatural 2. Charmed 3. The Vampire Diaries 4. Twilight 5. Misfits 6. Legend of the Seeker 7. Merlin 8. Ghost Whisperer 9. H2O 10. Xena 11. The Dark Diaries 12. Cream 13. Game of Thrones 14. Bpffy 15. Beauty and the Beast (I want something something interesting, exciting, that looks in one breath and without vulgarity) And with mom ^^


You forgot about "Castle"!

Emma Hamilton
Film "Without Hysteria", comedy, drama, melodrama, 2010

Watch Southern State Zoe Hart (Alternatively Heart of Dixie), White Collar and Suits


defective detective (monk) awakening john doe body investigation i hear you witches of the east end people of the future