What movies and series would you recommend on the theme of vampires, witches and other mysticism?

 Anna Bykova
What movies and series would you recommend on the theme of vampires, witches and other mysticism?
The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, Twilight Watched



Supernatural! Amazing series, I've been watching for a couple of days and I can't stop! And how did I live without it before? ..did not make it...

Ira Terekhova
Another world. Interview with a Vampire. Buffy In general, there are a lot of films here. http://www.nosferatu.ru/gallery/films.html

Ivan Sadovnikov

ilia hidwog

sergey boyko
Split. t/s. Dark Diaries. t/s.

Ira Dorozhkina
true blood gate to be human 4400 story of one vampire

apple bear
Salem's Lot! Stephen King is a good book. More Dracula by Bram Stoker

Game of Thrones, super series, but unfortunately only the first season

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