Tell me a series like "The Vampire Diaries", "Ancient", "Secret Circle", "9 Lives of Chloe King" ...

 Yulianna Voskoboynikova
Tell me a series like "The Vampire Diaries", "Ancient", "Secret Circle", "9 Lives of Chloe King" ...
"Witches of the East End", "Shadowhunters", "Twilight at Valmont", "Eternity", "Supernatural" In general, mysticism, fantasy, thriller. Preferably from a newer one, because a lot of series on this topic have already been revised. Thank you in advance.


Sorry, but out of all this ram, Eternity is a normal series! (my opinion) there is something like _Mentalist_ and the new _Sherlock_ draws under fantasy.

White Wolf
The vampire diaries, then watch the ancients, and then the legacy, it's all 1 city 1 actors