How do you think which werewolf is stronger: an ordinary werewolf who stands on two legs or a wolf like from a twilight movie?

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How do you think which werewolf is stronger: an ordinary werewolf who stands on two legs or a wolf like from a twilight movie?


A werewolf in a police cap is stronger than all werewolves.

Simon Nelsen
I think it's all omno canine, demons, werewolves and zombies..

Den San
I don't like four-legged werewolves at all. A kosher werewolf must be humanoid, such as in the movie Underworld. Werewolf is fantasy Werewolf lycan is fantasy

Alisa Afanasyeva
Do you understand what the problem is? Different races in different titles have the same name. For example, there are vampires who are killed by sunlight, and vampires who can safely walk around during the day. Does it even make sense to compare two different races with the same name?

in uniform

on two .. like from the movie The Wolf Man