What is the name of the actress who played Alice Cullen in the Twilight movie? (in the first movie)

 Dima swawsd
What is the name of the actress who played Alice Cullen in the Twilight movie? (in the first movie)


Svetlana Filina
Ashley Greene is the only one in every movie

Ashley Green

Ashley Green

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Ashley Green

Valentina Borsci
Ashley Greene American actress and model Ashley Greene was born in the town of Jacksonville (Florida, USA). She moved to Hollywood at the age of seventeen immediately after graduation. For all the time, Green did not meet with anyone. In one interview, she said: “My mother wants me to have a young man, but me and my managers are against it. (laughs) ". On August 11, after the Teen Choice Awards, Ashley was spotted by the paparazzi with young actor Chace Crawford kissing in the car. The actress herself and Chace did not comment on this in any way, and after that they were never seen anywhere together.

ashley greene

Ashley Green

Ashley Green

Ashley Greene and no one replaced her! She's the only one in every movie! Full name - Ashley Michele Greene (Ashley Michele Greene) career Actress height 1.65 m date of birth February 21, 1987 • fish fish • 23 years of birthJacksonville, Florida, USA genres drama, thriller, comedy total films 24 first film 1995 last film 2012 Best films: Twilight, New Moon , Eclipse

Ashley Green

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